Article published in Cafebabel
Five decades of conflict arrive to an end in Colombia.
52 years of armed conflict, the Colombian government has reached a peaceful
agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – FARC. President Juan Manuel Santos and Rodrigo
Londoño, FARC’s commander signed the peace deal in Cartagena, on September 26. “The
peace accord will bring to an end generations of bloody conflict that has
killed more than 220,000 and displaced millions,” said Santos.
EU foreign affairs chief, Federica Mogherini has been involved in the peace
talks, conveying the EU’s support, politically and financially, for a peaceful
transition dealing with post-conflict matters. Back in June, on the occasion of
EU-CELAC Summit taking place in Brussels, the EU echoed its strong political support
to the Havana peace talks started in October 2012 between the Colombian
government and the FARC.
we suspend the FARC from our list of terrorist organisations, to support the
reconciliation process and the implementation of the deal. Peace is now in the
hands of the Colombian people: with their vote they can turn this promise of
peace into reality,” said Mogherini.
FARC’s background
created in 1964, he FARC represents the result of social discontentment toward
the Colombian government. The revolutionary army has always expressed the
reasons of their armed conflict to be of political, social and economic nature.
However, the FARC’s reliance on drug trade and kidnappings for ransoms, to
finance its activities, harmed its reputation. The often recruitment of
soldiers under 18 was also a stain attached to their identity.
2002, when former president Alvaro Uribe ran for the presidency, he vowed on
his campaign to forcefully combat the FARC. On that same year during the
election season, presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt was kidnapped by the
FARC, rising political motivation to fight the Colombian revolutionary army.
Betancourt was released after six years in captivity. Despite denying having
suffered from Stockholm syndrome, Betancourt befriended some of her jailers,
she confessed on her memoir.
Ingrid Betancourt was held hostage more than five years. © Google
Future’s prospects
peace agreement does represent a milestone in the Colombian history but the
post-conflict period might face some hurdles. According to Insight Crime, the criminalisation
of FARC’s members is a likely scenario followed by the formation of small
criminal organisations. If the FARC are
to abandon the coca cultivations and illegal mining, new actors are likely to
take place wishing to take control. In addition, the ELN, National Liberation
Army, could seize the opportunity to strengthen its power, taking control over
abandoned territory by the FARC and counting on FARM’s members who might wish
to join their army.
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